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Jump Starting My Car: The Basics

Ever left your emergency lights on a bit too long? How about forgot to turn off your cabin light? Unfortunately, if you’ve ever done one of those two things (or something similar), it’s likely you’ve also dealt with a dead car battery, too.

How do you know your car battery is dead? Well, when you open your car, if no lights come on and there isn’t a chime when you insert your keys, it’s most likely DOA. Also, telltale signs of a dead battery are:

  • Headlights and radio won’t turn on
  • Headlights are very dim
  • Nothing happens when you insert and turn the ignition key

If you’re not sure if your battery is dead, you can always give us a call. We here at Jeff Bryan Chevrolet Auto Repair Service  deal with dead batteries all the time, and have experienced more than a few in Kiowa, KS and countless other places, too!

Once you’ve determined if the battery is dead, it’s probably time to start looking for jumper cables. It’s a very smart idea to keep a set of them in your trunk at all times (along with other emergency supplies). If you can find some, here’s a quick rundown of how to jump your car battery. First, you’ll need to find a car with a working battery to help you jump yours. Pull that car up to yours, front-to-front, and pop both the hoods. Then, follow these steps.

  1. Make sure both of your cars are turned off. (No need for electrocution on top of a dead car battery!)
  2. Connect one end of the red (positive) jumper cable to the positive terminal on the stalled (or dead) battery.
  3. Connect the other end of the red (positive) jumper cable to the positive terminal of the good battery.
  4. Connect one end of the black (negative) jumper cable to the negative terminal of the good battery.
  5. Connect the other end of the black (negative) jumper cable to an unpainted, clean metal surface under the disabled car’s hood.
  6. Start the car that’s working. Run for a few minutes before starting the car with the dead battery.
  7. Remove the cables in the reverse order.
  8. Keep your jumped car running for at least thirty minutes to give your battery sufficient time to recharge.

Source: Your Mechanic, The Art of Manliness

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