Save Money With A Few Gas-Saving Tips
Save Money With A Few Gas-Saving Tips

Gas prices fluctuate based on a variety of conditions, but overall they are on the rise. Most of us can remember a time when filling our tanks wasn't something that took up a large piece of our monthly budgets. Those times are long gone, with the average monthly gasoline expense in the US nearing $150. With no relief in sight, it's important to do whatever we can to save a few dollars here and there. Our partners at Gosch Ford Hemet Auto Repair Service Center in Hemet, CA have put together a few tips to maximize your fuel efficiency.
Check your tire pressure. Improperly inflated tires make the engine work harder to get horsepower from the engine to the street. Check you vehicle's manual to determine the optimal PSI.
Drive the speed limit and don't gun the engine. Driving the speed limit keeps your vehicle operating within normal parameters and fast acceleration makes the engine work harder than it needs to. Hard acceleration doesn't just waste gas, it also puts strain on some delicate parts, which could lead to unnecessary maintenance.
Balance AC and window use. While running your AC does lead to higher gas consumption, the drag created by rolling down your windows under many conditions could easily dwarf that. When on highways or freeways, go with your AC. When in stop-and-go conditions such as slow surface street driving or heavy traffic, roll down your windows.
Keep your engine maintained. Get tune-ups on the manufacturer's recommended schedule and keep an eye out for behaviors that could signify an issue. If you're experiencing rough idling or sloppy acceleration, there's probably an underlying issue that needs to be addressed sooner better than later.
Finally, remove unnecessary items from your vehicle. This is especially true with heavier items, but every pound counts. Extra weight means the engine has to work harder, especially during acceleration.
These tips may seem basic, but often we forget that simple behaviors can add up at the pump, especially over time. They also have the added benefit in extending the life of you vehicle which means even more savings.
Written By: Todd Hendrickson
Source: ASE