I Just Got a DUI, What’s Next?
Every day, 28 people in the United States die in an alcohol-related vehicle crash, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). That translates to one person every 51 minutes.
At Key Chevrolet Of White River Auto Repair Service Center, we are always shocked by the numbers we hear about drunk driving, and we hate to see accidents caused by DUIs in White River Junction and all over the State of VT. But, we know that people can make mistakes and that's why we're sharing this information on our blog.
Since the 1980s, there has been an increase in the enforcement of drinking and driving laws. In all 50 states, driving while under the influence (DUI) is a misdemeanor for first-time offenders, according to attorneys.com. Considered a criminal offense, a misdemeanor can mean a one-year sentence in jail. In certain instances, a DUI is a felony—if there was serious bodily injury, a fatality, the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) was over a certain level or a passenger was below a certain age.
Many drivers don’t realize the serious consequences of receiving a DUI, even if it’s the first time. Most likely, some type of probation will be given, which might include fines, court costs, probation fees and urinalysis fees.
Nobody plans to receive a DUI, but if it happens, you’ll want to seek legal counsel to understand the laws in your state. Make sure to show up in court on the date requested to receive your sentencing from the judge.
In addition to probation, here is what to expect:
In the majority of states, your driver’s license will be suspended. If this occurs, there is the possibility you can apply for an occupational or hardship license so you can still drive to and from work or school.
Even if you are placed on probation, the court may still require time in county jail.
Your auto insurance rates will likely increase since you are considered a risk. Your insurer may revoke your policy so be prepared to find other insurance company
A driver charged with a first-time DUI may pay $10,000 or more in fines and legal fees, according to NHTSA.
Drug and alcohol counseling and community service work might be required as part of your probation.
Don’t take the charges lightly. A DUI becomes part of your criminal history and may affect future employment. Some companies do not want to hire people with DUIs because their insurance rates could be affected.
Rather than risk receiving a DUI and possibly killing or injuring another driver or pedestrian, be safe. Always choose a designated driver or find alternate transportation and don’t let friends and family drive drunk. You’ll help save lives and keep the roads safer for everyone.
Sources: Legal News, AOL and NHTSA