Driving and Texting is a Foolish Game
Dire accidents and fatalities on our roadways are caused by texting while driving and other types of distracted driving every day all over the USA. It's a very serious issue that is affecting our communities. At Toyota Of Longview Auto Repair Service, we often see news stories on TV here in Longview, TX, so we know that it is a problem that isn't going away unless people get involved.
Statistics clearly illustrate that younger drivers between 16-25 are the most likely to be in accidents caused by distracted driving. The National Auto Body Council’s Distracted Driving Initiative was created precisely to help reduce these accidents and make the roads safer for all of us.
The Distracted Driving Initiative is an intra-industry agenda that was established to educate young drivers on the multiple dangers associated with careless and distracted driving. Industry participants are working diligently to provide a compelling teaching environment at a local school or community organization at no cost and utilizing a total loss vehicle that has been in a severe accident. During the course of that school day, the teacher uses that exhibit, which is placed in a prominent area, along with a series of videos to reinforce responsible, sane and attentive driving while emphasizing the possible risks of distracted driving.
Collision industry participation helps to ensure that the repercussions of a moderate- to high-speed collision at the structural level are communicated correctly. Questions from the students are always encouraged during these sessions. A more traditional teacher-classroom approach is also available, if needed, and the Distracted Driving team can always adapt to any existing curriculum that the school may have. The ultimate goal in every scenario is to creating awareness in young drivers that will save lives.
Members of the National Auto Body Council work with local insurance companies to provide the collision damaged vehicle for the classes. There is never a cost to the school with the demo vehicle included, paid for by the National Auto Body Council Distracted Driving Initiative.
Potential partners for the Distracted Driving Initiative at the local regional level include body shops, police departments, school public service officials, high school teachers/staff members, student body representatives, junior community college staff members, local insurance total loss claims managers, salvage yard operators and tow companies.
To stop distracted driving fatalities, we all need to get involved to stop this epidemic once and for all. If all of us are willing to play a vital role, we can make a change and make it now!
Sources: NABC, AAA and Yahoo